User-Friendly HXSim Design Platform Is Available for No Charge to Qualified Individuals

New York, NY (10 April 2021) – The International Copper Association (ICA) announces that the ‎HXSim "Small Diameter Copper Tube Air Conditioning Heat Exchanger Simulation Tool" ‎Version 3.0 is now available for download and use at no charge.‎
The HXSim Software Program and the HXSim Guide can be freely downloaded from the ‎www.microgroove.net website. Users can register their software by providing their name and email ‎address to ICA. A unique passcode will be emailed to qualified individuals, who can then activate a ‎full working version, free-of-charge, compliments of the International Copper Association.‎
HXSim Description
Users can design and simulate the performance of sophisticated heat-exchanger blocks. The ‎software program calculates such quantities as heat exchange capacity, airside pressure-drop and ‎refrigerant side pressure-drop. Results are displayed in easy-to-understand graphic or tabular ‎formats. The graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy to enter data and observe simulation ‎results. The most basic input has to do with the block type and dimensions. The three main "Types" ‎of heat exchanger blocks are the I-Type, L-Type and C-Type, corresponding to the shapes of the ‎letters I, L and C, respectively. Both 3D and 2D user interfaces are available. Users can run ‎simulations on a variety of refrigerants and vary the tube size, fin design and tube circuitry as well ‎as many other parameters. Row spacing and the column numbers can be input for the tube ‎locations, the fin type selected, and data entered on the joints.  A database of tube types as well as ‎fin types is built into the software program. The outer diameter of the MicroGroove tubes and the ‎tube wall thickness as well as the inside-the-tube enhancements can be varied.‎
This powerful software tool was developed at SJTU under the auspices of the International Copper ‎Association and the leadership of the renowned Professor Guoliang Ding of the Institute of ‎Refrigeration & Cryogenics in Department of Power & Energy Engineering at SJTU.‎
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For links to download the HXSim software program and guide, visit www.microgroove.net/HXSim
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About ICA
ICA brings together the global copper industry to develop and defend markets for copper and to ‎make a positive contribution to society’s sustainable-development goals. Headquartered in New ‎York, the organization has offices in four primary regions: Asia, Europe and Africa, Latin America ‎and North America. Copper Alliance® programs and initiatives are executed in nearly 60 countries ‎through its regional offices. For additional information please visit copperalliance.org.‎
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